Diet for gout

what foods can and cannot be eaten with gout

Gout was scientifically confirmed in 1865. The disease was described by Thomas Sendegum in his book Treatise on Gout, in which he described the signs, symptoms and attacks of the disease that he experienced for 30 years.

In Hippocrates' time it was called "the disease of kings". The causes are considered: excessive and indiscriminate consumption of food and alcohol.

What is gout?

Gout is a pathology associated with the deposition of salts in the joints and kidneys, and is characterized by intense pain in these areas. The progression of the disease leads to recurrent and increasing attacks, which leads to the formation of tophi. These are nodules that cause a change in the shape of the joints. There is a constant development of urolithiasis and kidney failure.

The diagnosis is made in the form of collection of synovial fluid and detection of urates in it. X-rays are also taken of the affected joints. When inflammation is relieved, nutrition is normalized, and acid in the urine is reduced, positive treatment results can be obtained.

The disease manifests itself more frequently in men after the age of 40. Female pathologies are observed in the postmenstrual period. Joint damage occurs throughout the body, but most often in the legs.

The main causes of gout:

  • inheritance;
  • eat foods with purine in large quantities;
  • poor excretion of uric acid from the body;
  • catabolism of purine nuclides.

Principles of the gout diet

The development of gout depends on the body's metabolic disorders. For treatment, diet is an effective way. Good nutrition must be monitored daily. The main principle of the gout diet is to reduce salts in the blood. With an excess, the kidneys will not be able to function on their own. Non-compliance with the diet can lead to relapses. An attack of pain can start at any time. This often happens at night. If you do not follow a diet, the disease can progress and spread to all joints.

Treatment should be done at home. Includes adherence to a balanced diet. This is considered a basic and effective method. The menu is compiled by the attending physician, who takes into account the individual characteristics of the patient. Diet is essential to reduce uric acid levels.

Characteristics of the diet for gout

dietary characteristics for gout

Purines should not be included in the composition of foods in a diet for gout, as they contribute to acid accumulation. Purines are found in meat and fatty foods. Therefore, people with gout are advised to eat more vegetarian meals. The recipes do not include expensive ingredients and the cooking technique is not complicated. But it is important to combine only allowed foods.

Nutrition therapy can help treat gout symptoms at home.

Eating fatty and spicy foods causes a seizure associated with a surge in uric acid and severe pain quickly enough. For example, drinking too much coffee that contains high amounts of purine can lead to a relapse. High-risk foods include alcohol, beer, soda, and even grapes. They are completely excluded from the diet of the sick.

For the rapid elimination of purines from the body, the patient is prescribed a heavy drinking regimen. The amount of liquid that is drunk per day reaches 2. 5 liters. In the case of urolithiasis, water with alkali and baking soda is required. It is possible to achieve the neutralization of the urine with an excess of vegetable and citrus proteins in food.

Diet for gout in the legs

The gout diet must be monitored at all times. Since the treatment is carried out at home, the person suffering from the disease must have willpower and not violate the developed menu. Depending on the patient's condition, an individual menu is created with allowed and prohibited products. Dishes can be delicious and varied despite their simplicity. The diet for gout in the legs does not have very strict restrictions, but it should satisfy the sick body and promote a healthy lifestyle.

what you can and cannot eat with gout in the legs

Diet errors in diseases:

  • eat foods that contain purine;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • lack of fluid in the diet;
  • large amounts of animal fats;
  • excessive consumption of animal protein;
  • table salt and pickles;
  • a low amount of vegetables and fruits in the daily diet.

Foods allowed and prohibited in the gout diet

On a diet for gout, a patient, in addition to the main treatment, needs to know the allowed and prohibited foods. It is impossible to cure this ailment or eliminate the symptoms without following the rules in nutrition.

Prohibited Products:

  • bakery products, specifically rich products;
  • meat (beef, lamb, pork, sausage);
  • seafood (fatty types);
  • salty and spicy milk;
  • legumes;
  • vegetables (sorrel, mushrooms);
  • fruits (grapes, raspberries, figs);
  • mayonnaise;
  • sweets and cakes;
  • animal fats;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • black tea, coffee;
  • sauces (mustard, horseradish);
  • spices and herbs.

Pay attention!The above products should not be consumed or added to the patient's food!

At first glance, the drop menu may seem boring and tasteless. In fact, this is not the case.

There is a list of products allowed for consumption without risk to health:

  • bakery products: uncomfortable cakes;
  • meat - rabbit and chicken;
  • boiled fish meat (low-fat varieties);
  • eggs (1 piece per day);
  • dairy products (low-fat and non-salty);
  • no legumes;
  • vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, tomatoes);
  • fruits (green apples, apricots, tangerines);
  • vegetable fats;
  • fruit teas, natural juices from approved products.

You can also vary the diet with seeds and nuts:

  • nuts;
  • cedar;
  • almonds;
  • hazelnuts;
  • pistachios.

Peanuts are high in purines and must therefore be eliminated from the diet.

This is interesting!There was a debate among scientists about the use of tomatoes in the patient's diet. After all, they contain traces of oxalic acid. It turned out that the red vegetable is harmless, but on the contrary it is useful due to antioxidants and phytoncides. They eliminate the inflammation that is common with gout. From this it follows that tomatoes can be eaten with drop in any quantity.

Contraindications for gout

what not to eat with gout

The most popular foods are contraindicated in the diet for gout. Due to chronic pathology, you can and should get used to lean dishes, as they are intended to relieve symptoms and significantly reduce pain. The diet must be followed at all times. Since a cup of coffee or grapes can cause an attack of pain.

In the period of exacerbation of gout, medication is used following a diet. Bed rest is also required. All this stops inflammatory processes. When preparing meals for the patient, it is best to keep a table with allowed and prohibited foods in a conspicuous place.

Limit meat and fish to twice a week. On the recommendation of doctors, fish should be eaten with gills and scales. These fish by-products are excellent for removing toxins from the body. In case of a pain attack, the use of these products is postponed for a couple of weeks.

Semi-finished products and canned foods are categorically contraindicated. Diet No. 6 prohibits the use of broths. After all, soups and borscht are prepared on the basis. The fact is that this exception is quite justified, due to the addition of various spices and seasonings that can provoke an attack. It will be correct to cook the meat separately and use the broth from under the vegetables as the broth. During the cooking process, the water is drained and changed several times. This reduces the concentration and removes the purines from the composition.

Gout diet: menu of the week

The disease cannot be cured, especially if the disease progresses along with diabetes or obesity. To reduce relapses and exacerbations with gout, a special diet is used: table number 6.

dietary rules for gout

The gout diet can be followed all the time, although the menu is designed for one week. The diet is developed by the attending physician.

There may be several options for such a diet, which do not differ much from each other. The process uses conventional cooking technology.


  • tea with cranberry syrup, boiled egg, tomato salad, rye bread;
  • freshly squeezed apple juice, stewed vegetables;
  • beet salad, boiled turkey, stewed pumpkin, compote;
  • baked potatoes with cheese, salad with cabbage, rosehip tincture.
  • kefir.


  • cottage cheese pudding with sour cream, green tea with honey;
  • bran crackers, chicory drink;
  • vegetable noodle soup, steamed chicken cutlets, fruit drink;
  • vegetable stew, compote;
  • curdled milk.


  • pumpkin pancakes, porridge with buckwheat in milk, tea;
  • green apple;
  • vegetable and rice soup, boiled cod, beet salad, carrot juice;
  • buckwheat with stew, apple juice, biscuit liver;
  • wheat bran broth.


  • borscht without meat, milk, croutons;
  • toast with cheese, chamomile tea;
  • mashed potatoes with meatballs, potato pancakes, pancakes, compote;
  • baked zucchini, fruit salad, tea with milk;
  • fermented baked milk.


  • oatmeal porridge, vegetable salad, cherry juice;
  • watermelon, lemon, strawberry and pear smoothies, bread;
  • mashed potatoes, rabbit stew, coleslaw, tea;
  • boiled egg, barley soup, jelly;
  • baked apple with cottage cheese, rosehip tea.


  • wheat porridge, chicory drink;
  • gingerbread with kefir;
  • boiled chicken with buckwheat, eggplant caviar, tea;
  • Diet pilaf, cucumber salad, bread, jelly;
  • varenets.


  • casserole with cottage cheese, pancakes with cottage cheese, tea;
  • omelette with quail eggs (4 pieces);
  • cheese puree soup, garlic toast, rosehip tea;
  • rice with stewed vegetables, beet salad;
  • yogurt.

This is an approximate menu without prohibited foods for people with gout. A balanced and complete diet allows you to use it for a long time. To achieve a greater effect, it is necessary to perform fasting days.

Gout Diet: Nutritionist Reviews

how to eat properly for gout

The review of the professor of the Department of Gastroenterology and Dietetics is as follows. If drug treatment is ineffective, the gout diet is the main treatment.

The severity of the process affects nutritional approaches in the treatment of patients, namely:

  • frequency of seizures;
  • plasma uric acid level;
  • patient's body weight.

In the diet, the amount of purines, fats, proteins, sodium salts and alcohol should be kept to a minimum.

Eating on a diet will rapidly lower plasma uric acid and restore normal levels. Effective healing effect based on natural ingredients.